31 Years – Pickling the Beast in 1993

– The Sandlot –

Honorable Mentions: Jurassic Park, Swing Kids, Untamed Heart

If I ever create a list of favorite “Coming of Age” movies, this would be the first on the list. As a kid, I loved baseball. I got the video as a birthday present and I wore the tape pretty thin. Everything about the movie spoke to me. A summer filled with friends, first kisses, standing up to the bullies, making dumb choices, and rising to the occasion.

This movie may have not been some mega-blockbuster or a film with innovative special effects, but it had heart. I think its found its way into the hearts of 90s kids because it came out at the right time and had the right message.

Even beyond that, it has aged so well. You don’t need to be a 90s kid to enjoy the movie, but it certainly makes it better.

Ham Porter: You’re killing me, Smalls!


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